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  1. da1root

    Waiting Game

    "Southern Ontario" (SON) or whichever detachment you're through should be used - there is no "Southwestern" CFRC. SON is comprised of: Toronto (Toronto Public Health) which is currently locked down Oshawa (Durham Region Health Department) which is Red Hamilton (City of Hamilton Public Health...
  2. da1root

    My CIC Application Odyssey

    Without getting into specifics any in person interviewing is at a stand still, it is not created by the local CFRC's - it is CFRG policy in conjunction with the Regional/Provincial policies of where that CFRC is located.  Keep in mind that the CAF is a government agency that has to follow the...
  3. da1root

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    There is no minimum or maximum wait time.  Your Recruiting Centre isn't in charge of selecting you - selections are made on a national level.  Depending on where you sit on the competition list vice how many spots are remaining, and how many spots are open for basic training depends on whether...
  4. da1root

    CAF Voice mail

    Or forward my extension to a co-worker ;-) LOL
  5. da1root

    Selection Date Information

    Please note that the date of the information posted above was April 2018. Obviously these generic selection timelines are different during SARS-CoV-2 (aka COVID-19).
  6. da1root

    CT questions regarding initial contract

    It is sometimes possible to end your TOS early (especially for work); you'd need to request an early termination -get in touch with your Career Manager to find out the possibility and what is required from you to do so.
  7. da1root

    Coronavirus Impacts on Recruiting Process etc

    It all depends on your trade and entry plan. The CAF (like the rest of the government) won't go back 100% right away, it's being done in Phases - right now Phase 1 is happening, so anyone in phase 1 is being enrolled virtually (such as MOTP Surge); once Phase 2 kicks up the same thing will occur...
  8. da1root

    Medical Rejection: How to Appeal? [Merged]

    You should also receive a letter detailing why your file was deemed not to meet CEMS and how you can appeal the decision if you do not agree with it.
  9. da1root

    Confirmation Code

    So you have not gotten a reply and you don't have a confirmation code either?  If this is the case PM me and I'll reach out to customer service.
  10. da1root

    Recruiting during Covid

    Good Day, The Primary Reserves are in charge of their own recruiting; for the Regular Force there is a national target that is enrolled each year.  The Reserves in general will be hiring this year; however whether the unit you're wishing to join is accepting or not is only a question that...
  11. da1root

    Waiting Game

    Good Day, Applications are not halted, the same as processing is not halted. The CAF is still processing files but it's determined on the type of file that it is.  For example the CAF is doing Phase 1 right now which is processing ROTP files, MOTP & MOTP Surge files, Medical DEO files (there's...
  12. da1root

    Competitive Infantry Application?

    Just posting for clarification the process should other people look at this. Keep in mind that for a combined score of the TSD/CFAT along with your interview create a score for competitiveness.  The year that you applied for ROTP there could have been quite a few applicants for those...
  13. da1root

    Confirmation Code

    During that time period there was a glitch with the system; if you haven't gotten your confirmation code yet please email the customer service team (STG-CFRG-Cusomer-Svc@forces.gc.ca) and ask for assistance.
  14. da1root

    Am I too old, unfit or uncertain?

    FORCE Evaluation Test: https://www.cafconnection.ca/National/Programs-Services/For-Military-Personnel/Military-Fitness/FORCE-Program/FORCE-Evaluation.aspx Unlike the old fitness test, everyone has the same maximum amount of time that they can take to do a certain task.  If you're hoping to get...
  15. da1root

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    Just want to fix some information. 2 years ago there was Nursing Officer ROTP enrollments. Last year there was intake numbers however because Nursing Officer, Pharmacy Officer and a select few others are Civilian University only and the funding was removed no outside CAF selections were made...
  16. da1root

    Component Transfer Questions Reserves to Regular Force

    Good Day, The CT shop is in Ottawa - as such pers must follow the direction of the Ontario Premier.  Non essential workers are not to be going to work.  Some individuals do have access to the DWAN from home (through VPN); however for those that do the access is generally limited to 1 hour/day...
  17. da1root

    DND 404 - Driver's Licence ( merged )

    The old DDC is now called the "Safe Driving Course" - it's taught over DND Learn (https://dln-rad.forces.gc.ca/) over 10 Mods.  You need a DWAN account to be able to use DND Learn - you can sign on from home and do the course whenever you want; but having a DWAN account is what enables you to login.
  18. da1root

    Medical Rejection: How to Appeal? [Merged]

    Get in touch with your recruiting centre and ask to speak with the Medical Staff; they can give you more direction on what exactly you need to do. Since you did the FORCE test prior to BMQ/BMOQ you're applying to the PRes so you should also engage your Unit Recruiter as they could have further...
  19. da1root

    Am I too old, unfit or uncertain?

    Hi, You said it best yourself "I am aware that everything depends of the level of fitness of every individual". With that said I went through Basic with a gentleman who was in his 50's and did better than most of the 20 year olds.  I have been in 20+ years and work alongside many individuals in...
  20. da1root

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    CAF "vacation" (leave) is a separate policy from PSSA vacation.  Any vacation that you have with the PSSA will need to be utilized prior to you leaving your PSSA job. The CAF Leave Manual is the authority for leave in the CAF and sick leave is given/used when needed and cannot be "banked". ...