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Search results

  1. da1root

    University Student Reserves Pt.2

    For reserve units, they are responsible for their own recruiting - as such to know how many positions there are for Infantry Officer at QoR you'd have to speak to them. There are improvements in place for PRes Army recruiting to have files move faster (esp if you don't pose a requirement for a...
  2. da1root

    Federal skilled military applicant program

    ahem... many of us use the correct term and call it Football still ;-) After all it's not the FISA World Cup now is it? :ROFLMAO: sorry off track :-) I'll just go back to my corner now :-)
  3. da1root

    Army Reserve Officer

    Quick fix for Dental/Medical Info... Dental for Reservists Class A: Covered through the Dental Plan posted by Blackadder Class B under 180 days and less: covered by the CAF for the mbr only (while on contract) - if you're on a short term contract (under 30-60 days) chances are you will only...
  4. da1root

    How restrictive is the DEO plan? Questions from a prospective Engineering Officer

    Honestly, you've pointed out where you feel weak on your own. You may not get in on your first application, but look at what you can do you in your community to help with Leadership. It may not be in the form of a job, but could be volunteering. It's a competition to get into the CAF; some...
  5. da1root

    direct entry office

    sarahsmom already handled my first eyebrow raise, so my second one is this one... not sure what having a G1, G2 or G has to do with a background check? although all provinces have a graduated license system, it's not necessarily G1/G2, in BC I think it's Class 7 / class 5, same with Alberta...
  6. da1root

    Competition list clarification

    It's been approx 5 years since I last worked in recruiting, but a handful of offers went out in December, and then they keep doing selections until all the slots are filled. It comes in waves so that the recruiting centres are able to manage the workload of enrolling the new members.
  7. da1root

    (Recruitment in Ottawa) Pre security check and ECA for Educational credentials from outside Canada

    "Why do CAF require my degrees aquired from outside Canada to get evaluated even though I have a Canadian Masters degree?" The CAF requires this for those educated in Canada also. I've been in for 25 years and my transcripts for high school, college and university are all on record. Par of...
  8. da1root

    direct entry office

    As per the responses on the other post you made of the same exact same query: medical test timeline In the future please only ask your query in one location (it's also best to learn this before joining the CAF).
  9. da1root

    Applying as a PR

    You can delay the test if you'd like; your file only moves as fast as you finishing the requirements for each step. So if it takes you an extra 2 months to study for the CFAT and prepare for it, then your file won't move forward for that 2 months. As for good ways to practice for the CFAT...
  10. da1root

    CAF Occupational Standard/MMTP

    Just to clarify this, there isn't an MMTP pool to do the UGME (undergraduate medical degree) - applying to certain schools as an MMTP applicant they will put you in the "within province" applicants. Many universities have a max amount of out of province students they allow into their programs...
  11. da1root

    Consumer proposal before joining

    Please note my advise does not override anything your CFRC told you. You should try to clear your debt without doing a consumer proposal, if possible. During a consumer proposal most LIT's will advice you to stop paying your debt, which means if one of the companies refuses the CP offer that...
  12. da1root

    Change from NCM to officer

    I doubt they would have discussed an officer position with you if you didn't perform well enough on the CFAT to be competative. As for age, I joined the CAF at age 19 as an NCM and went officer when I was 41; you're not too old at 43 to become an officer.
  13. da1root

    DP1.1, DP1.2 PLAR

    Honestly, if you and the CFRC aren't sure, have your recruiter go back to CFRG PLAR cell to reach back to the TA (Training Authority) that did your PLAR to state what it means. I'm the TA representative for H Svcs and would have no issues explaining what exactly a PLAR meant if the recruiter...
  14. da1root

    Navy ballcaps in CADPAT

    This finally got changed in 2016 sometime I think...my memory is failing at what year, but it was changed. The CFRG "CWO" (put in brackets cuz they were a CPO) fought for Navy members at CFRG to be allowed to wear their ballcaps. The rule finally got changed and last time I was up in Borden...
  15. da1root

    Applying as a PR

    I was about to close the thread (actually did) and realized that it was actually hijacked. BurmeseRain9 do you have any other questions?
  16. da1root

    direct entry office

    Depends on the occupation that you're joining. Rank upon entry into the CAF can be everything from 2nd Lieutenant (Acting Sub-Lieutenant for the Navy) to to Major (Lieutenant-Commander for the Navy). We'd need to know what occupations you're considering to give you a better answer Progression up...
  17. da1root

    Reserves - Occupational experience and full-time opportunities

    Your friend may want to investigate transferring to the DRSM PRL. For those unaware the DRSM PRL is a "holding unit" for individuals that are on Full Time Class B (multi year contracts) who do not wish to parade with their home units. There are some administrative draw backs to the DRSM PRL...
  18. da1root

    Living abroad for the past 5 years

    There are several items that you will need to provide for that time period including where you lived and where you worked. This is all part of hte background check information. Your recruiter will provide you further details.
  19. da1root

    Issues with online application

    Sometimes glitches with the system happens. There used to be an email where you could reach out to technical support. That should be your first email so that they know there's a problem. With that said, bring a print out of the information that isn't saving properly to your first appointment...
  20. da1root

    FORCE test and interview

    It's part of the security clearance/background check.