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Search results

  1. da1root

    What are the differences between the Reliability Check and Pre-Security Assessment?

    Everyone in the CAF requires a reliability check (and eventually a security clearance). However not everyone requires a pre-security assessment - the questionnaire that you filled out will determine if a pre-security assessment needs to done. This is for individuals who may have things in their...
  2. da1root

    “Selected” on CAF portal

    That is true for all selections other than ROTP. For ROTP it just means that they've been moved forward for possible selection from RMC. There is another selection that happens (or at least used to happen) directly at RMC and this selection process can take longer as sometimes it's based on...
  3. da1root

    Is getting into Cyber ops hard after passing CFAT?

    Please don't treat your selections as #1, #2, #3 (as much as they're numbered). You should be as willing to do your #2 and #3 selections as your #1 selection. Also it's not the Recruiter that will be responsible to determine which one (if any) you will get an offer for. If you qualify for all...
  4. da1root

    education requirements to join

    The military doesn't assess education outside of Canada, that is up to a company like WES. For example I just had a file come to me where the person's degree stated Biochemistry from outside Canada, WES decided that it was equivalent to a Doctor of Philosophy. Also Recruiters will (for the...
  5. da1root

    Medical review - Delays

    1 Class B pre 2018, still 1 Class B. And the unit I'm with has a "HQ" unit and 2 detachments that he does all the recruiting for. I agree on it being the least efficient way; but that's the way it's being run. I believe 11/12/13 Fd Amb out west has 1 recruiter for all 3 units (which also...
  6. da1root

    Medical review - Delays

    Just to clarify I didn't state that while at CFRG that I was never tasked for my own career courses, I said I was never tasked to teach (nor did I witness anyone tasked to tech). I don't count personal career in my statement as every position in the CAF Reg or PRes chances individuals getting...
  7. da1root

    New Group Badge

    Hello fellow RCMS members - so while killing time on Facebook this morning I've seen that we have a new Group badge. Apparently our "old" badge was representative of a Command badge and has been updated to reflect that we're a Group not a Command... Here's the blurb that came with the...
  8. da1root

    Medical review - Delays

    Your first statement is actually not accurate. While the application portal is the same, the actual processes between the two are different. The medical test to join the RegF and NAVRES are different than the Army Reserve or Health Services Reserves (the Army & HS Reserves do ERE's, this is...
  9. da1root

    Need some kind guidance, please.

    Just another insight, maybe they were CFAT rewrites, people who had already done the TSD... they could also be people who only had time to do 1 test (and yest I've seen the CFAT and TSD broken apart because someone didn't have enough time to do both). There are a variety of reasons that COULD...
  10. da1root

    What to expect during the medical exam?

    asked and answered several times - here's the most recent thread to this question: Med forms and how to send them in
  11. da1root

    change trade

    Please note also it will also depend on regulations in place. I'm not sure army rules but I know with NAVRES that the following are requirements for a VOT: 1) The occupation you're joining must have openings; 2) The occupation you're leaving must NOT be in the red (i.e. under strength); 3) You...
  12. da1root

    Part time BMQ - Reserve

    Correction on this... it's not up to "ottawa" do decide. It's CTC Gagetown. Contrary to popular belief there isn't 1 place that PLAR's go. PLAR's go wherever the Training Authority is. For BMQ/BMOQ the Training Authority is CTC (Combat Training Centre). From my personal experience being...
  13. da1root

    CFAT with university degree

    The original purpose of the CFAT was to determine someone's ability to pass their QL3 (DP1) training. For at least over a decade it's been a topic of conversation within Recruiting why individuals that are fully qualified civvie side to do a job are being required to do a CFAT. Examples that...
  14. da1root

    Medical review - Delays

    I do want to weigh in on one topic here. The CFRC primary job is to process Regular Force files. The Reserves are responsible for their own recruiting, I would NOT expect the CFRC to know the process for a Primary Reservist. If you're joining Army the Brigade Recruiters should have...
  15. da1root

    Medical assessment

    I have to say, please use some common sense. Saying that you didn't realize it would cause frustration, treat posting in military related boards like you would your career. If you happen to get in and you have have a question as a Private and you ask your Corporal, your Master Corporal, then...
  16. da1root

    Applying as a PR

    Just adding on winds answer to you (using winds previous answer to you). "The 18-24 months wait you were quoted is for your file to sit in a queue in another government department to be reviewed..." As winds stated that is the backlog there, that's what the CFRC's are told. It's another...
  17. da1root

    NWO - Pre-Enrolment Security Clearance / Pre-Assessment Questionnaire

    I'd like to explain the term "closed" when it relates to Recruiting Files and Prior Learning Assessments (PLAR). Closed never really means "closed", it's not like the door is shut and can never be opened. With Recruiting and PLAR's when a file is open without movement we have to report on why...
  18. da1root

    MPO Interview ?

    The MP branch interviews all potential MPO's whether they're DEO or ROTP. From when I worked in recruiting they used to happen at described times during the year. Best suggestion would be to contact your CFRC and ask if there is any information on when the MPO Interviews are happening.
  19. da1root

    Competition list clarification

    I know the system used to send out an automated message to state that you were moved forward; however not sure how the system is set up now. They may rely on individuals logging in to see where they are. You should probably contact your recruiter to determine what, if anything is missing. The...
  20. da1root

    25 grand debt

    Last I recall you cannot be "in" bankruptcy while you enroll, and there has to be a certain amount of time between being discharged and being able to enroll.