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  1. da1root

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    "FDL" is not an official CAF abbreviation; I'd ask your Recruiting Centre what "FDL" means to them.
  2. da1root

    Veteran's UN NATO Motorcycle Club

    I know this is super old, but ...  though several members of Vetearn's UN/NATO Canada own a motorcycle, they are not a Motorcycle Club; there is no requirement to own a motorcycle to be part of Veteran's UN/NATO Canada. Their mission is to bring our fellow veterans out of isolation, to promote a...
  3. da1root

    Hearing (Merged) Including Hearing Tests and Hearing Categories

    Just as a side note, read who DAOD 5015-0 applies to "This is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND employees) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members) who act as managers or...
  4. da1root

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Your file will need to be reviewed by the PLAR cell; all that you can receive here are opinions and best guesses.  Start the application process, you'll go through the PLAR process and be told 100% whether you'll need to do it or not. This isn't trying not to answer your question; but even as a...
  5. da1root

    Contract Lengths (Merged)

    The initial contract length for all 3 of those occupations is 5 years.
  6. da1root

    General CFRC Questions – Regular Forces

    Short Answer: It's only as hard or easy as you make it. Long Answer: The recruiting process is very detailed, there are several steps to enrolment, each step can cause you a hurdle (background check, medical, aptitude test, etc).  Infantry is one of the occupations that the CAF tends to recruit...
  7. da1root

    12 field ambulance contact info

    If 604-209-7158 isn't working for 12 Fd Amb you may want to try their email address 12fdambrecruiting@forces.gc.ca That failing you can also email 1 Canadian Field Hospital detachment Ottawa as they have contacts for all the Reserve Units - their email is 1CFHDETOtt@forces.gc.ca
  8. da1root

    Re: Trades OPEN / CLOSED 2019-2020

    As of today's date there are approx 45% positions remaining for SIG DEO for FY 18/19.
  9. da1root

    Re: CEOTP 2019

    There are tentative numbers, as with external SIP; however your best bet is to speak with your broker as I don't have permission to post DMCPG information.
  10. da1root

    Home Schooled and Recruiting requirements [Merged]

    A GED is equivalent to a HS diploma, it doesn't state what courses you've done, so this may not be enough. If the occupation you're wanting to join requires specific HS courses (for example Med Tech requires Math, Bio & Chem at the HS level) then you'll have to provide more than just a GED...
  11. da1root

    Home Schooled and Recruiting requirements [Merged]

    Good Day, While you can use your university diploma to apply to the CAF, you will eventually have to provide all academic transcripts (HS and above), this is a requirement for all occupations (even Medical Officers eventually need to provide their HS transcripts).  Also keeping in mind that...
  12. da1root

    ROTP at RMC only : 2019 - 2020

    Recruiters have been informed by the Chain of Command that the only ROTP paid education for Academic Year 2019/2020 will be for RMC only. Whether or not you can transfer to RMC for 4th year would be determined by RMC, but if you are not willing to attend RMC and only want to finish your 4th...
  13. da1root

    Recruiting FAQs

    Note: This is a new document and I will start adding to it as I see the same questions appear in the threads; but this thread will remain locked.  Cheers, Buck_HRA ------------------------------ Q1: Are spots saved on a BMQ/BMOQ for a specific occupation? A: No, the only division on the...
  14. da1root

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    Yes they take holidays. Units started minimum staffing on 15-Dec; all CFRC's & CFRC shut down as we 22-Dec.  Reopening on 7-Jan and back to full strength on 14-Jan.
  15. da1root

    I may have sent a medical form to the wrong address

    Although many think it stands for "Regional Medical Officer", mike is correct and it means "Recruiting Medical Officer"
  16. da1root

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Sorry I can not shed light on that query, it's outside my knowledge base.  Actual scores of the "targets" for the CFAT are considered Protected information and I cannot give you an answer as to what is a "high score". Asked & answered...
  17. da1root

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    If you're trying to get ahold of your CFRC without any success please reach out to the CFRG Customer Service Team. Include as many details as you can in your email to identify who you are (name, DOB, email, Alpha Number, address) - so that they can reach out to the CFRC to get in touch with you...
  18. da1root

    Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

    The contract length (Terms of Service [TOS]) is not negotiable.  It is a predetermined amount of time that the CAF is promising to employ you. The only way you have an obligatory service is if the CAF pays for education; at the end of your TOS if you perform well you will be offered another...
  19. da1root

    CFAT Rewrite

    ... if you've qualified for everything you want to apply for, why would you want to rewrite it? As a side note, if you were allowed to rewrite it (which I don't see being approved) and did worse, your 2nd score stands regardless of your 1st attempt being a higher score. Your question to your...
  20. da1root

    ROTP at RMC only : 2019 - 2020

    Right now we're still working with "tentative" numbers and even as I'm writing this my Intake for Nurse ROTP is changing so I'm not inclined to post numbers yet. I will likely make a post mid-January as the numbers will be more "firm" by then...