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  1. da1root

    Applicant status closed

    If it's been more than 5 business days I'd personally reach out to the CFRC and inform them that you've not gotten your official letter. Ultimately you don't know your next steps until you receive that letter.
  2. da1root

    Questions About Commissioning from the ranks

    Honestly you should speak with a BPSO, I'm not a BPSO so my take on the policy is unofficial (official answer would be a BPSO). The way I read that policy is that the remaining time is 6 years (VIE for AERE). The mention of 3 years post OFP is so that the mbr doesn't try to VOT as soon as...
  3. da1root

    Traffic Ticket

    "Legal Obligations" are not just criminal charges - this could be as complex as a DUI, or something as simple as you being a witness to a crime where you're going to be called as a witness at trial. With the failing to yield ticket, if you're going to fight it, you'll need to find out if you...
  4. da1root

    Reserves to regular force

    Ultimately it's up to you - you might wait to apply and not even get accepted into the Regular Force; meanwhile you could have been doing your training with the Reserves through the fall/spring and then do your occupation course next summer. But on the flip side you might not get into a reserve...
  5. da1root

    Benefits for Army Class A Reserve Officers

    Depends on the base, in Borden a Class B Reservist with a family is put ahead of a Regular Force member without a family - not sure about other bases or if Borden even still does it that way but in 2012 when I got my PMQ in Borden that's how they were doing it...but it was long term (i.e. 3...
  6. da1root

    Reserves to regular force

    Your application whether for the Regular Force or Reserve Force will take several months. Training for the reserves traditionally happens in the summer, so if you're applying to join the Reserves right now, you might be able to do a weekend BMQ this fall / spring (for the Army Reserves & HS...
  7. da1root

    Medical rejected

    Based on the original post from August 10th I believe the original question has been answered. I will give this thread 24-48 hours of remaining unlocked just in case I'm wrong with that assessment, after which time I will lock this topic.
  8. da1root

    Medical rejected

    Your personal letter was not reviewed by the RMO, only documentation provided by your Doctor is reviewed by the RMO. The RMO is not located at your CFRC, it is a Medical Officer in Ottawa - you do not have the ability to communicate directly with the RMO. Don't do this. Before they give you...
  9. da1root

    Prospective ACSO

    Within each MOSID, the different intake plans (i.e. DEO & ROTP) also have their own numbers - so yes there's a certain number of DEO that the CAF is bringing in this year and a certain number of ROTP that the CAF is bringing in.
  10. da1root

    32nd Brigade Strength?

    Does it have Health Services occupations on there also... if so mind if we reach out via DM to trade DWAN emails - could be VERY helpful in my job... ;-)
  11. da1root

    BMQ month of August 2024

    There are part-time BMQ's starting in September for several of the Brigades, but anything in August is currently underway and coming to completion.
  12. da1root

    Continuing studies during the enrolment process, how would it go?

    Most reserve units are built around their members joining while they're in high school/college/university... continue your studies, reserves gives full time summer employment and part-time employment from September through to the spring (mileage on employment varies by unit/element).
  13. da1root

    Reserves Medical Query

    Wait... that little adversary on my Android phone that says I've been listening to my music too loud, I should turn it down? :ROFLMAO: Sorry didn't mean to hijack, back to the regularly scheduled programming :cool:
  14. da1root

    Question about Mechanic trade in Army

    the someone else to chime in was just busy with work :ROFLMAO: ... however was killing time before bedtime and has now commented :) "with the highest rank" ?? So what I'm seeing is you're all over the place with what occupations you're looking at, and now you're wanting a Class B job with the...
  15. da1root

    BMOQ fall dates

    Also adding onto what @PuckChaser said (which too agree with); moving provinces doesn't mean you end your application. You simply need to request that your file be transferred from CFRC Toronto to CFRC Halifax. If you move beyond "Medical/Interview Completed" your Point of Contact would then...
  16. da1root

    PRes to RegF CT/OT

    🤨 I may not be Log anymore, but spent the majority of my career within that branch - without turning this personal, I would highly suggest not calling the occupations that you'll need through your career for various things such as pay, personal administration and clothing "dummies".... I...
  17. da1root

    What happens if I fail my FORCE fitness test

    Error in this chair, I totally missed that :ROFLMAO: Even going back to read it again my eyes concentrate on the caps of FSA and miss "reserve" ... maybe it's time for a stronger prescription...
  18. da1root

    What happens if I fail my FORCE fitness test

    What I would suggest when you post queries is just clarify that you're going through Reserve Recruiting. As much we we're one military and are supposed to be "total force", there are often different processes for the RegF and the PRes. Best of luck in your journey :-)
  19. da1root

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    Old post, but I have new information. As it stands right now only the Regular Force has positions for the specialty nursing occupations with the exception of 1 Canadian Field Hospital detachment Ottawa. However, hopefully this fiscal year the Reserve units are going to be "reorganized"...
  20. da1root

    RMC MBA Program

    Hey Everyone, Just wondering if there's anyone lurking about that has done their MBA through RMC? I'm just about to start my 5th course in the program, but in my undergrad I hated Econ; so hoping to peck the brain of someone who has recently completed it. Cheers,