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Search results

  1. Gunnar

    How does the media view the CAF?

    Modern journalism, apart from repeating a biased narrative set by someone else appears to be largely a matter of reprinting or repeating Reuters or AP articles. There is no digging for facts, not even to slot them into a predefined world view. They're like the slow-moving dunderheads working...
  2. Gunnar

    failed my CFAT

    Know yourself. Re-read your resume and re-familiarize yourself with who you are, what you can do, and what you have done as proof. Juste comme n'importe quelle entrevue pour une poste d'ailleurs. Pratique les questions normales - "decrive un temps ou t'as fait...". Saches pourquoi t'es la...
  3. Gunnar

    Over 40 to old?

    It will be different, but not impossible. Have a look on youtube for Basic Up! The second season shows a couple of 40 somethings. Different standards, but still THE standard. You still need to learn, but at your age there is a greater possibility that you have learned to THINK, so your...
  4. Gunnar

    Advice/Am I good enough for RMC?

    If some random guy tells you that you aren’t good enough, are you going to give up? Because if this is important to you, then you have to try. You know you have good marks. You know they could be better (they always can, unless you’re perfect). Do your best, and apply. Let your air cadet...
  5. Gunnar


    There’s really only one way to find out, and that is to apply. Might be’s, shoulds and oughttas don’t matter. What matters is where the rubber hits the road. Why post on possibilities when a day trip to the recruiting centre can get things started in real life?
  6. Gunnar

    Tactical pants - ticks

    Crye pants? East Coast for what its worth. Found one in my navel recently. Persistent little fuggers.
  7. Gunnar

    Tactical pants - ticks

    On a recent trip to the Land of Ticks, it occurred to me that lightweight, light-covered pants similar to our uniform pants, which included the extra dust flaps might provide pretty good protection/prevention against those bloodsucking little buggers, as well as being comfortable, and the light...
  8. Gunnar

    Can I ask my family doctor to fill in my Psychiatric form?

    That’s all well and good, but you need a recognized professional to put their name on the form. Say you know everything about building bridges. The powers that be will still want an engineer to sign off on your design, even if it’s perfect. The P.Eng is the magic formula that gets the OK...
  9. Gunnar

    A Deeply Fractured US

    Vote Cthulu. Why vote for the lesser of two evils?
  10. Gunnar

    Travel Options, Getting from Port Elgin to Trenton

    And don’t forget the CF1 discounts on VIA
  11. Gunnar

    A Deeply Fractured US

    From shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations. Lol.
  12. Gunnar

    Post DEC - getting out of the house

    Can’t speak to what condition you’ll be in, but it costs little to ask. Probably, or might are the operative words. After all, you’re just doing recce, not implementing the battle plan. YMMV. Cheers!
  13. Gunnar

    Post DEC - getting out of the house

    Depending on the reasons for your DEC, have you considered cadets? Could be volunteer, CI, possibly even CIC. Bring experience to the table, limited hours, familiarish environment. Physical requirements are pretty light. And a chance to bring light and understanding to young minds. And...
  14. Gunnar

    Interview Prep?

    Standard interview stuff. Show up nice and early. Dress professionally. Think about what you have to offer, what you want to learn and where you want to go in the military. Re-read your resume, and get familiar with the accomplishments you put in it. Get sleep.
  15. Gunnar

    Proud to be found reasonably competent

    Proud to be found reasonably competent
  16. Gunnar

    How is the navy life? Do you travel around the world a lot?

    Okay, so for a landlubber, wet gash is what exactly? Food waste? And having first off the boat handle it for ease of landing makes sense, as well as having seniors do a crap job that saves everyone time and unpleasantness at the cost of much unpleasantness for some....
  17. Gunnar

    British Military Current Events

    The frustrating thing about people doing their job description instead of doing what is required is that bad managers have made the job description necessary because they added requirements at random to cover for their lack of leadership, or that of their bosses, thus paving the way for those...
  18. Gunnar

    British Military Current Events

    It seems to me that only in the armed forces does the concept of responsibility still carry any weight. What I mean is, soldiers are tasked with carrying out orders of those above them, and to accomplish the end mission in accordance with those orders. Similarly, officers are accountable for...
  19. Gunnar

    Merry Christmas Gunners

    Wasn't aware of that, but posting things military on YouTube runs the risk of overstepping the mark. All I know is that I've seen a number of his videos, and he seems with it.