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  1. Trinity

    End of Career Sale

    Email inbound.
  2. Trinity

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Overheard this tidbit Q.  How long did you smoke for? A. 50 years Q. How many did you smoke in a day? A. Depends on how much I drank! ;) You have to love the honesty.
  3. Trinity

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Today on course.... Three sect all present.  1 absent. ::)
  4. Trinity

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    Wow  200 pages... 
  5. Trinity

    Presidential election may be up for grabs

    Wow Stegner,  that man is a hero.  I can't recite properly the honourable reasons that he stayed but Wikipedia can (as much as I hate wikipedia, HOWEVER, they have links to back up their facts) Note the BOLD part below.  It explains clearly why he refused. ...
  6. Trinity

    Georgia and the Russian invasions/annexations/Lebensraum (2008 & 2015)

    Hope this is the right place for this. Quick little video of a reporter being shot (grazed) by a round while giving a report. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShPxp-oJqX8
  7. Trinity

    Burger King employee takes bubble bath in BK kitchen

    Yup.. it's on Youtube (although I'm not linking it) It's.... interesting. 
  8. Trinity

    New MARLANT Protocol: Paying Respect to Fallen Comrades

    The P.W.O.R. hold their own memorials about every month  to remember the loss.
  9. Trinity

    "Nothing secret about Chinook training"

    The writer Matt Fisher is different than our Matt Fisher (CPGEAR) I assume?!
  10. Trinity

    Canadian based bio/chemwarfare preparedness supply?

    I agree with Medtech. I'm not an expert in any shape or form... but how do you plan on decontaminating yourself once the threat is over?  How will you know when the threat is over?  How will owning a suit help you through a prolonged exposure?  How many extra canisters will you need? It's not...
  11. Trinity

    Borden Thread- Merged

    Well, Class B, C and Reg Force soldiers are always under the service codes... aren't they? Therefore I would surmise yes. Has anyone been reprimanded by the military for inappropriate conduct for posts on army.ca?  (not just sexual harassment) There was one gentleman (photo tech) who got in...
  12. Trinity

    U.S. Army to shoot live pigs for medical drill

    Oh... how can we forget that investigation....  ;)  Definitely away from prying eyes!!!
  13. Trinity

    Two children killed after car nears Canadian convoy

    Is this not a situation where using Dazzlers would have saved lives???  http://www.canada.com/theprovince/news/story.html?id=57794810-30c5-43b6-a148-3acbb64f853f
  14. Trinity

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

  15. Trinity

    Latest Foot found off the Shores of BC seems to be a Hoax.

    Obviously... very low.  Albeit I've had one service where that was the case... but so far it has been the exception.  And the two burial at sea I attended/presided over were cremated.  But it is a new fad in the states for burial at sea due to it being greatly cheaper... Once again I am remiss...
  16. Trinity

    Latest Foot found off the Shores of BC seems to be a Hoax.

    Burials at sea ???? http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/ECOCOMM.NSF/Oceans/sea+burial I can't find the article I read the other day about American and Canadian burials at sea and how much harder it is here... body can't be embalmed and a 30 day wait for a permit... BUT.. in the states you can do a...
  17. Trinity

    "Green Shift" and the Liberal Party

    What's left to sue? With a 2 million dollar loan outstanding, Harper suing them for 3.5 million and now 8.5 million by Green Shift.... Has any political party ever gone bankrupt?  I don't know how in good conscience someone could vote for a political party who can't keep their own books...
  18. Trinity

    "Green Shift" and the Liberal Party

    http://www.thestar.com/News/article/455623 Apparently the new liberal plan "the Green Shift" infringes on the copyright of "Green Shift" which is a company here in Canada. edit. Garth Turner's view on Green shift http://www.garth.ca/weblog/2008/06/23/the-site-that-barked/
  19. Trinity

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Of course...  who said the fifth wasn't already killed, like Cat, Cally, Billy etc. We need a list of all people who died in the 4 seasons.  Imagine if it was Tigh's wife ?
  20. Trinity

    Fatty Superthread

    It will be painfully clear to your instructors your motivation pre BMQ. I know you said you will be the most motivated RFT troop.. but your previous demonstration of care of yourself/fitness will speak volumes more!