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  1. Staff Weenie

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    That would explain why my boss was late today - said there was a lot of emergency vehicles, but the crash didn't seem too bad.
  2. Staff Weenie

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    This is the CAF - orders are orders, service is voluntary. If somebody doesn't like the orders given, or can no longer handle them, they can walk away. I've lived by that code for over 32 years now. Not once have I ever even remotely thought of deliberately destroying govt property in order to...
  3. Staff Weenie

    Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

    Several decades ago, young troops in a Res Inf unit had a thing going. They would commit minor offenses prior to Christmas, get charged, get the Cl A pay to prep for the trial and be fined only a percentage of it - leaving them money to party or buy presents.
  4. Staff Weenie

    Army Reserve Restructuring

    Not sure what the overall establishment is now, but a number of years ago it was approximately 44 positions (Reg/Res/Civ) for a Res F CBG HQ
  5. Staff Weenie

    Federal Budget 2024 megathread

    I've worked in the building since Aug 2000 with CF H Svcs Gp HQ, and then 28 Fd Amb. Currently there is 33 CBG HQ, 7 Int, 28 Fd Amb, CAF TU NCR and TC Ottawa, some Sigs, the small year-round cadre of CG, MPs are moving in from Walkley Rd, and 33 CER has a Sqn in the basement. There's also IT...
  6. Staff Weenie

    Federal Budget 2024 megathread

    I love how they think NDMC is empty. There's nowhere for the units there to go, and they're moving more in.
  7. Staff Weenie

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    CNN (taken with a grain of salt) is citing Israeli sources saying there are over 100 drones, mixed with cruise missiles.
  8. Staff Weenie

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    Have you talked to the Recruiters for 35 Field Ambulance?
  9. Staff Weenie

    New CADPAT...what's causing the availability delay?

    I'll reach CRA 60 before I ever see these... And I cannot wait to see what a sh*tshow it will be with all the mixed gear - old style helmet covers, rucksacks, tacvests. I still have the OD parka and overalls because I couldn't get CADPAT gear.
  10. Staff Weenie

    21 year vet medical release

    Jarnhamar has given some great information. On top of that I would strongly advise you to go to the nearest Transition Centre and ask for an appointment with a Services Coordinator. They can tell you all of the various benefits and services that you may be eligible for, and they can also inform...
  11. Staff Weenie

    Venezuela - Possibility of Invasion of Guyana

    Could Russia be pushing an old friend to start something on our side of the Atlantic to distract America?
  12. Staff Weenie

    Ian [Kat] Stevens

    Extremely sad news. RIP Ian
  13. Staff Weenie

    US Army Recruiting Ribbon

    'Bring a Buddy Night' used to be a very successful attraction event in the 90s. We would have simulated casualties, Ambs moving, a UMS setup, and then beer and pizza in the Mess. We got a lot of recruits through that initiative. Not sure if it would work now.
  14. Staff Weenie


    Bradley was also a great enabler for Eisenhower. Through his ability to bring about consensus and support, he was able to help Eisenhower's vision translate into successful operations. And yes, Karl Malden... still an enjoyable movie to watch
  15. Staff Weenie

    Allowances - Post Living Differential (PLD) [MERGED]

    The Four Yorkshiremen enter the chat! Come to think of it.... that is a perfect analogy for mess conversations with a group of Senior Officers or Chiefs.
  16. Staff Weenie

    Medical release vs retention?

    A Period of Retention (PoR) is only possible if you meet several conditions. First off, you must be employable within your Medical Employment Limitations (MEL). Typically, if you can work a standard 40 hour week in an office setting without breaching your MELs it opens the door to consider a...
  17. Staff Weenie

    Hospital ship for Canada

    So, essentially the same capacity as the plywood R3MMU in Kandahar. Only useful if you're not expecting more than a handful of casualties at any given time.
  18. Staff Weenie

    medical history

    It seems as if you are minimizing a very serious issue. None of what you are saying addresses the fact that you clearly indicated you were found NCR for an offence, and that you were 'liberated by the RBMD' after three years. As I mentioned earlier, NCR is very rarely successful as a defence...