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  1. Staff Weenie

    The War in Ukraine

    I wonder what the rate of fire would be? And, does adverse weather impact the ability to use it - for example, would rain cause diffraction and scattering of the beam?
  2. Staff Weenie

    Dreadnaught Submarine Model

    What is this? A nuclear submarine for ants? How can we be expected to enforce nuclear deterrence if they can't even fit inside the submarine?
  3. Staff Weenie

    Combat Pants - Double Zipper

    How did you get the beans above the frank???
  4. Staff Weenie

    The War in Ukraine

    Kevin - my concern is that I truly believe Putin is fully aware of the fact that there is now no possible scenario where he backs off and survives. Prior to this war he had systematically pillaged the Russian coffers to pad his own bank accounts. Had he left power peacefully then, a full audit...
  5. Staff Weenie

    Sikh turban ribbons? Who can wear and with what uniform?

    I think some of that may be personal as well. For formal events and parades, the folks I know have worn the ribbons. For less formal activities and training, they don't.
  6. Staff Weenie

    Sikh turban ribbons? Who can wear and with what uniform?

    My friend is a Major. Regiments and branches will have specific colours, but I am not that much of an expert to know what they are. Sanguine and green are the medical branch colours, so sanguine was chosen as the ribbon colour to go with the green turban - it gives a really nice contrast. It is...
  7. Staff Weenie

    Sikh turban ribbons? Who can wear and with what uniform?

    Good questions - it is covered in the Dress Instructions - Section 3 - Spiritual Accommodations (Dress instructions | Section 3 Spiritual accommodation - Canada.ca). Technically it notes that: Crossed ribbons may be worn on the Navy, army and air force turbans in accordance with...
  8. Staff Weenie

    Return of NDI 75: Veteran Service Card [Merged]

    If you are willing to send me a PM with your name, email, and phone number, I can send it to the project IT folks to see if they can reach out to you and help track down the problem.
  9. Staff Weenie

    Logistic Vehicle Modernization Project - Replacing everything from LUVW to SHLVW

    You are spot on with this assessment. Vehicles are going to be burned through at a furious rate. Stop trying to buy 1,200-1,500 of the absolute best all encompassing vehicle you can find. Get the 70-80% solution and buy more than you need. The LSVW is the result of late 1980s...
  10. Staff Weenie

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    There was a company we dealt with a number of years ago that was building prefab homes that could be easily modified to barrier-free standards for ill/injured soldiers. Everything was cut and assembled on jigs. In many ways, this meant they were better built than those by local developers. They...
  11. Staff Weenie

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    On what land though? The fed govt is busy trying as hard as it can to divest as much DND property as possible.
  12. Staff Weenie

    The War in Ukraine

    Maybe he's emboldened because the pee pee tapes got erased somehow?
  13. Staff Weenie

    Collapse of the Assad Regime

    Would be a real shame if something happened to those ships. Just saying...sometimes ships have fires, or blow up unexpectedly...
  14. Staff Weenie

    Collapse of the Assad Regime

    Israel, the honey badger of the middle east.
  15. Staff Weenie

    Special Service Medal - Domestic Operations Bar

    I may be wrong on this, but do not the Americans have a differentiation between ribbons for accomplishments and those for actual decorations/medals? I made the near-fatal mistake once of teasing a Marine Corps Maj, asking if they were for filing, typing, etc - they were for a myriad of...
  16. Staff Weenie

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    Good question - almost all of the information I have is focused on land operations. I'll see if I can dig into it and find an answer.
  17. Staff Weenie

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    For Regular Force applicants - yes, they will need to choose between Combat Medic or Paramedic. I am also not certain they will accept any Paramedics for a few years. They will be reducing from about 1,300 Med Techs to about 300 Paramedics in the Regular Force, and all of the remainder (who are...
  18. Staff Weenie

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    EMR is actually part of the training that will be provided to Combat Medics. While it might make your file more competitive if they have numerous applicants and limited positions, you will get paid to take the training if you are successful in getting in.
  19. Staff Weenie

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    The answers are somewhat situationally dependent: What is your current civilian clinical skill set and certification/license: If you are applying to the reserves, and you are not currently qualified at a minimum as a Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) in your home Province, then you cannot apply for...
  20. Staff Weenie

    Funny Pix & Video Thread

    Did you take bets on whether the cot would fail?