In 2002, I helped setup the UW Campaign office in Halifax in building D-40. (I was with N-6 at the time, and did the computer systems setup for them.)
Some observations as I recall them:
1. Campaign goal was ~ $310,000 that year
2. 3 guys in suits + 1 secretary in the office
3. 3 mini-vans rented for the 3 month campaign (+ 2 weeks before and after for a 4 month total rental)
4. There was a Lt(N) in the Base Comptroller's office working the campaign for the full 12 months
5. There were half-day training sessions for all Chief Clerks in the area run - mandatory attendance
6. The base effectively shut down for the campaign kick-off event - a BBQ on a Friday afternoon. All pers on base were given the afternoon off to attend.
Points to be drawn from the above observations:
-Guys in suits don't work for less than $5K a month. Neither (at the time) did the secretary/clerk employed in the office.
$5K*4 = 20K per month, times a 4 month campaign = $80K in staffing costs
-Mini-van rentals are not cheap. Call it $1K a week at the time. (We had similar vehicles on our charge, so I recall this number.)
$1K*3 = 3K per week, times 4 weeks in a month times 4 months = $48K in van rentals
- Lt(N) Finance Officer annual salary - at the time was probably ~90K per year
- Half day's training for 25x WO's - that's a half day's wages in lost time.
$5K/month divided by 22 days per month is $227 per day, or $113.60 per half-day per person, which means that the half day's training cost almost $3K
- The base BBQ - with a projected attendance of over 2000 was, well, not well attended despite over 2000 people getting the day off. If we look at the WO pay rate mentioned above, and consider that many people didn't make that much money, and we simply call it $100 per half day, and multiply that by the 2000 people that were projected to attend, then you have another $200,000 in lost wages for that half-day.
Now, adding up those, you come up with a grand total of $341,000 in costs (actual and lost time) not including the cost of setting up the office, the IT assets, the stationary, PPNS and ancillaries (overhead projectors, etc) plus the promotional material that they printed in support of it all.
If I recall correctly, DND raised just over the goal that year ($315K~ish?) and were very pleased with ourselves with much slapping of backs and considerable self aggrandizement.
In truth, the entire campaign is a net loss for DND in terms of time and money. We would be better off cancelling the whole program, shutting down all work associated with it, and handing GCWCC a check for the previous year's goal plus inflation for the new year and letting everyone stick to our jobs.
It made me realize that the whole program is simply a means to gain some public attention in terms of DND's contribution back to society. The problem with that is that it's intangible. There is no way to measure it. That said, it likely ends up being just a single sound-bite or a 30 second spot on the local news.
Long story long (as they always are with me) I will not support GCWCC because it is a waste. A waste of time. A waste of effort.
I don't contribute. I even stopped doing the DWAD days on Fridays at the tail end of my time in the Navy, unless it was for the days designated to raise money for HMCS Sackville.