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Liberal World Order

In the here and now, we have a government that is using our money, to strangle our own economy and wreck the lives of Canadians to achieve their own personal, selfish ends. Same in the States, France and others, to different extents. What kind of government says you have to pay, to suffer, while we virtue signal our intentions and become the world welfare office using your money.
How do you know its "their" own personal goals? There are a lot of people hwo support these policies. Just like we need government regulation to keep people from killing themselves in so many different ways that are now regulated, maybe we also need government action/regulation to force society as a whole to modify its behavior to fundamentaly change how our country works for the sake of our future. Also, i hate blatant virtue signaling, but not all of this so virtue signaling. Lots of it are genuine attempts to change the country for the betterment of the whole planet.
we also need government action/regulation to force society as a whole to modify its behavior to fundamentaly change how our country works for the sake of our future.

Nice communist ideal.

That is only feasible and proper if the citizens agree. You should be ashamed to intentionally FORCE any Canadian to do what they don't want. Force is a result of failure. You failed to convince, to satisfy concerns, to prove your hypothesis, so you'll force your intentions,,even though we say no. Godammit, we are the bosses. It is our country. It doesn't belong to those who want to steal our identity, resources, fortunes and way of life. The politicians work for us. Unilateral decisions on the future should come from us. It is our country, not the globalists'/LWO, NWO, whatever. If it takes a national referendum, on each initiative or bill, to ensure they follow the wishes of us, their bosses, so be it.

No useless law will stop people from offing themselves. That shows the ridiculousness of government.
How do you know its "their" own personal goals? There are a lot of people hwo support these policies. Just like we need government regulation to keep people from killing themselves in so many different ways that are now regulated, maybe we also need government action/regulation to force society as a whole to modify its behavior to fundamentaly change how our country works for the sake of our future. Also, i hate blatant virtue signaling, but not all of this so virtue signaling. Lots of it are genuine attempts to change the country for the betterment of the whole planet.
You can't stop people killing themselves.
You can make it harder - but the world will make a "better" idiot no matter how you idiot proof the world.

Betterment of the whole planet? Who defines better?

A lot of folks want to seize guns, because they don't trust people -- I don't trust folks who would only trust me, and others disarmed -- for I suspect they want to do something to us, that they couldn't do if we where armed...
How do you know its "their" own personal goals? There are a lot of people hwo support these policies. Just like we need government regulation to keep people from killing themselves in so many different ways that are now regulated, maybe we also need government action/regulation to force society as a whole to modify its behavior to fundamentaly change how our country works for the sake of our future. Also, i hate blatant virtue signaling, but not all of this so virtue signaling. Lots of it are genuine attempts to change the country for the betterment of the whole planet.
There is no government regulation on earth that can keep people from either killing themselves or others. All our regulations do is make certain methods illegal, but then again, killing someone is illegal anyways. Ironically we have numerous methods that we have authorized to kill ourselves but that is a different issue. As the gun fans say, when you make owning guns it only ensures that only the criminals have them
Life is finite, which suggests to me a doctrine of least interference with others. Ten times that if you don't believe in any existence after death. For each value of "you", other people are not means to "your" ends.
Nice communist ideal.

That is only feasible and proper if the citizens agree. You should be ashamed to intentionally FORCE any Canadian to do what they don't want. Force is a result of failure. You failed to convince, to satisfy concerns, to prove your hypothesis, so you'll force your intentions,,even though we say no. Godammit, we are the bosses. It is our country. It doesn't belong to those who want to steal our identity, resources, fortunes and way of life. The politicians work for us. Unilateral decisions on the future should come from us. It is our country, not the globalists'/LWO, NWO, whatever. If it takes a national referendum, on each initiative or bill, to ensure they follow the wishes of us, their bosses, so be it.

No useless law will stop people from offing themselves. That shows the ridiculousness of government.
Has any law ever been passed that had universal agreement? If not, then someone is being forced to do something they don't want. Seeing the standard they "everyone must agree" is unattainable and foolish.

I don't know why you ask went to guns. I'm not anti gun. I was referring to things like seat belt and tabacco laws.

Also, I suggest you read the description of "communist ideal", because other than the idea "one large community" (ie. A one world government) I don't think anything I've said or that we've been discussing would be categorized as a "communist" ideal.
There is no government regulation on earth that can keep people from either killing themselves or others. All our regulations do is make certain methods illegal, but then again, killing someone is illegal anyways. Ironically we have numerous methods that we have authorized to kill ourselves but that is a different issue. As the gun fans say, when you make owning guns it only ensures that only the criminals have them
If only those damn criminals would follow the rules… then we could get rid of guns altogether!

The world would be such a magical & positive place! It’s because of guns people do crazy and/or evil things, not because of human nature… no guns = no problems.

Then we could focus on the important stuff. Everybody gets a pony…
I said nothing of guns.

The rest is a matter of opinion.

I'm not getting into the weeds. I want to know what we are going to do about the downward, intentional spiral the world liberals have put us in and how we can change our laws to prevent a soft or hard takeover of our system and our country ever again.
If only those damn criminals would follow the rules… then we could get rid of guns altogether!

The world would be such a magical & positive place! It’s because of guns people do crazy and/or evil things, not because of human nature… no guns = no problems.

Then we could focus on the important stuff. Everybody gets a pony…
I tell ya, we need that sarcasm emoji back!😅
Another example of our fair, all encompassing, compassionate government.

OK liberals, go ahead, defend this.
Still waiting on that facepalm emoji… 🤦🏼‍♂️

- I would like a refund please. As a taxpayer, I do NOT approve of my tax dollars being donated to some wing nut trying to further their agenda/opinion by targeting school children.

- Isn’t it a conflict of interest for the government to provide a grant to a non-profit that is already government funded? Who’s pocket does this money ultimately end up in? (Genuinely curious…)

- this is a great way to piss off a ton of parents, regardless of what political party they tend to identify with.

- this is also a great way to make Canadians from all walks of life hate the liberal government even more.

- their attempts at dividing Canadians has already backfired a few times. I would argue the more they attempt to divide the country, the more unified the country becomes in your collective dislike of Head Dips**t.

(Those protesters didn’t come from just one direction Justin…)

Oh, perhaps we could save the Canadian taxpayer a few more dollars by not replacing the ethics advisors when the time comes…since nobody seems to consult them anyway…

Justin? i’m not kidding when I say, you are literally a walking facepalm emoji… 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
I said nothing of guns.

The rest is a matter of opinion.

I'm not getting into the weeds. I want to know what we are going to do about the downward, intentional spiral the world liberals have put us in and how we can change our laws to prevent a soft or hard takeover of our system and our country ever again.
I tell ya, we need that sarcasm emoji back!😅
Haha yes we do!

I wasn’t saying guns in the context of your post - I just used it as an easy topic as an example.

I very much agree with the direction I’d like to see this coming convo go. How do we see things ending up in the long run if nothing is done to change course? What laws do we change, introduce, modify? Etc
One way or another, there will be change. Sometimes the established order doesn't survive it.
It would seem our oil just isn't enough.

I want someone to explain to me, why, when Americans are suffering with the highest fuel prices in their history, biden did this. Trucks can't roll, due to fuel costs, to alleviate supply problems. Most things, detrimental, happening today has root cause in lack of petroleum. So,with North America struck dumb with lack of petroleum, biden sells the American Stategic Reserves to China and Asia.

These people are doing this on purpose. Not a blip or abnormality, but a concerted effort to ruin our economies.

I think this might be bidens albatross. Even his own party is going to unsheath their knives over this. One can hope.
Canadian Anti Hate Grant.

Was established in 2020. You can also peruse the many other projects that were given grants. You’ll find the one about the booklets but no mention of said booklets in its description.

I’d love to see what that booklet looks like lol.

Édit: Specifically the announcement about this « tool kit ».

It would seem our oil just isn't enough.

I want someone to explain to me, why, when Americans are suffering with the highest fuel prices in their history, biden did this. Trucks can't roll, due to fuel costs, to alleviate supply problems. Most things, detrimental, happening today has root cause in lack of petroleum. So,with North America struck dumb with lack of petroleum, biden sells the American Stategic Reserves to China and Asia.

These people are doing this on purpose. Not a blip or abnormality, but a concerted effort to ruin our economies.

I'm no Sleeping Joe fan, I can see Central Europe yes, which is a strategic issue trying to ween them off Russia, but China, you got to wonder WTF -- unless it was a drug deal to try to keep them away from more support to Russia.

Most alarmingly is the fact the SPR is at the lowest levels in 20 years, and our refineries are running near 100%.
We need more production capacity, not just drilling, but refineries too - and those don't come cheap or fast...

