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GOP Congresswoman Blamed Wildfires on Secret Jewish Space Laser


Army.ca Dinosaur
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I, for one, am glad that the truth is finally out there. Now pass the tinfoil, my hat needs an upgrade ;)

GOP Congresswoman Blamed Wildfires on Secret Jewish Space Laser

Axios has a small squib about “The Mischief Makers,” a handful of idiosyncratic congressional backbenchers who make trouble for their respective party leadership. The leading Democratic mischief-maker is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who advocates some left-wing views I consider simplistic and impractical and, in some cases, poll badly.

The top example of a conservative mischief-maker, presented in perfect symmetry, is Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Greene’s views are just a bit more controversial. They include, but are by no means limited to, the following:

• The QAnon conspiracy theory, which holds that Donald Trump is secretly fighting a worldwide child-sex-slavery ring that was supposed to culminate in the mass arrest of his political opposition, is “worth listening to.”

• Muslims don’t belong in government.

• 9/11 was an inside job.

• Shootings at Parkland, Sandy Hook, and Las Vegas were staged.

• “Zionist supremacists” are secretly masterminding Muslim immigration to Europe in a scheme to outbreed white people.

• Leading Democratic officials should be executed.

The most recent Greene view to be unearthed comes via Eric Hananoki. Just over two years ago, Greene suggested in a Facebook post that wildfires in California were not natural. Forests don’t just catch fire, you know. Rather, the blazes had been started by PG&E, in conjunction with the Rothschilds, using a space laser, in order to clear room for a high-speed rail project. Here is Greene’s entire post, via Media Matters:

...Of course it would be Marjorie Taylor Greene...

538 representatives in the house. One of them has to be the one most detached from reality.
Mossad stole my slippers is a common theme..

Of course the Dems had Congresswoman that feared that Guam would capsize!
Searching "Jewish Space Laser" on Twitter did not disappoint.
Brb.... And yup that was a thing I didn't think existed. Then again I also didn't have sitting US President incites insurrection or Reddit destroys hedge funds on my 2021 bingo card either
Brb.... And yup that was a thing I didn't think existed. Then again I also didn't have sitting US President incites insurrection or Reddit destroys hedge funds on my 2021 bingo card either
You’re right. 2021’s not screwing around.
There goes five minutes of my life that I will never get back. Why five? Because it didn't make sense the first time through....or the second.
Have you drank a bottle of wine yet, and tried a third time? I don't think you're 'doing' the article properly ;)
Oh, also, I want one too :devilish:


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Have you drank a bottle of wine yet, and tried a third time? I don't think you're 'doing' the article properly ;)
Wine didn't help. Nor did beer. Scotch made me think of her standing next to Billy Bob Thornton at NASA HQ.
That's just the tip of the iceberg: Here's Every Disturbing Conspiracy Marjorie Taylor Greene Believes In

Love this part: "As Greene seeks to reinvent herself as a lawmaker, she is aggressively trying to scrub her social media profiles of her past indiscretions while blaming her “team” for all the missteps of her past."

Of course. 🙄

Love this part: "As Greene seeks to reinvent herself as a lawmaker, she is aggressively trying to scrub her social media profiles of her past indiscretions while blaming her “team” for all the missteps of her past."

Like the old quip, "I knew Doris Day before she was a virgin."