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  1. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    I'm choosing to be cautiously optimistic haha.
  2. P

    2024 Wildfire Season

    Honestly I kinda like it that way. Our relative isolation built a unique culture. Not quite Western, not quite Eastern. Multicultural but grounded. Etc etc. Love my province.
  3. P

    The War in Ukraine

    You make a good point. When you have millions of second class citizens to throw into the meat grinder, training is secondary.
  4. P

    The War in Ukraine

    I'm not so sure, a quality tank crew is expensive and takes a long time to produce. It's basically a death sentence but some of the old shit on the line where it can be decimated by the lowliest of AT rockets or autocannons.
  5. P

    The War in Ukraine

    That is fucking insane. An early T54 ain't that different from the WW2 T44 tanks. We're talking late 40s tech here. The Western equivalent would be use rolling out some Centurions with the 20lb cannon for front line use. Yikes.
  6. P

    2024 Wildfire Season

    Ive been very impressed with the Premier honestly, governing from the center of the spectrum. He certainly is on the right wing of the NDP and seems pretty focused on the economic problems facing the province.
  7. P

    2024 Wildfire Season

    Real bold to assume anyone else in Canada cares about Manitoba lol. We're the red headed stepchildren of the country.
  8. P

    The War in Ukraine

    Russia would thank us for giving the Ukrainians those heaps. Maybe we can pull a sneaky and give them to Russia and watch vehicles immediately self-immolate.
  9. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    It's realistic. I'm sure everyone in the Army would be happy with what is posted in the photos and it's an exponential upgrade over the fishing vest. We can dream about the latest maglev load bearing rig with ray shielding or whatever but it ain't gonna happen. The perfect is the enemy of the...
  10. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    And therein lies the problem.
  11. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    I think this whole conversation is a case of SOFitis. Of course they have advanced shit but this kit wouldnt be going to cansof or JTF, it'd be going to Bloggins at the RCR or LdSH
  12. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    We weren't talking about lasers. We were about load bearing kit and you said this stuff isn't modern. You still haven't said how it isn't modern.
  13. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    It looks like my tactical tailor shit in terms of material. That stuff works just fine.
  14. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    I see a chest rig. I see a battle belt. I see pouches. Looks the same to me and I'd imagine the material is better now than than 10 years ago. Lots of things to shit on the CAF for, I don't think that this is one of them.
  15. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    I know its crap, I've worn it for 10 years. But what's different in load bearing kit today that you're referencing? You said this stuff isn't modern.
  16. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    What's changed? Only so many bullets can be carried.
  17. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    Meh, the bags look like every unissued pack these days anyways.
  18. P

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    That stuff looks wicked. I love the look of the mystery ranch looking patrol pack. Thank you
  19. P

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Wish I could have seen it. Got any pictures? Thank you for your posts earlier.
  20. P

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Ah yes, the downgrade from the LAVIII. We need tanks, IFVs, guns, missiles, AD, et al yesterday but you know that. Time for the procurement folk to do their jobs and time for the government to fund it. Full steam before the funny finally happens. HLs and LS do desperately need replacing and...