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Recent content by AmmoTech90

  1. AmmoTech90

    Regimental Summits

    Very nice. Decent weather.
  2. AmmoTech90

    The War in Ukraine

    Yeah, I've seen those coat hanger set ups. Nice and simple.
  3. AmmoTech90

    The War in Ukraine

    Need a PIBD to get good jet formation. That would involve mucking around with the nose cone and doing something to transmit the impulse from front to rear. It's probably rigid enough that force at the nose will be transmitted back quick enough to initiate a BD fuze.
  4. AmmoTech90

    Funny Pix & Video Thread

    Don't let fear, tradition, or lack of common sense hold you back.
  5. AmmoTech90

    The War in Ukraine

    The sabot removal is fairly innocuous. Sandles, steel toed boots, poh-ta-toh, pot-a-toe. Does it meet ALARA risk levels, no. Do you have a very good chance of surviving it, yes. As far as functioning, I would remove the electronic fuze altogether and replace it with something more fit for...
  6. AmmoTech90

    Current Dress Regs

    I'm not going to talk about (CAN)SOF operational procedures. They don't. They will wear BA/SA and imperm if the threat calls for it. Usually bio. Full perm suit, imperm boots/gloves and air purifying respirator, unless the threat calls for more. I know the US live agent training is much more...
  7. AmmoTech90

    Current Dress Regs

    I'm sorry Kevin, but that is absolutely untrue.
  8. AmmoTech90

    2023 Canadian Armed Forces General and Flag Officer senior promotions and appointments

    Canada doesn't have a heavy brigade. If someone was asking me for something I didn't have I'd ignore them too. Best I can offer is medium battlegrounp with tanks and no replacements when it gets smashed.
  9. AmmoTech90

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    Risk reduction. There are a lot of risks in the military we can't control. You going anaphylactic and becoming combat ineffective is one we can control. It's not about you. It's about the people around you being put at risk because of you.
  10. AmmoTech90

    The War in Ukraine

    Yep the Brit L119s were only meant to be used at their Artillery School. The ammo was still in their CFTOs (A&ERs) in 2006. It was stock they had for their L5s.
  11. AmmoTech90

    The War in Ukraine

    The Brits did have the L119 in use. It was a Gun Field L20A1 mounted on a Carriage 105mm Gun Field L17A1. As of 2006 it was not in service but still stored in depots. I taught both 105mm Field and 105mm PH (How in our parlance) to Brit ATs at the time.
  12. AmmoTech90

    CF-188 Hornet, Canada's jet fighter

    Not when I'm running the social media for a national organization for a bilingual country. Adi, ADP, Adl maybe, but adding two letters and making a word a with different meaning- clown show. Know what you're writing, write what you know. I thought the first rule of PR was stick to what you know.
  13. AmmoTech90

    CF-188 Hornet, Canada's jet fighter

    Adieu? Really. Without any further goodbyes? How about 'ado'. Clown show.
  14. AmmoTech90

    The War in Ukraine

    No, but you can make a war civil. I'll see myself out.